I have by no means tested positive for a TB test. I had 1 accomplished a month ago, and I noticed a small bump in the region where I had the test accomplished, but this just showed up now. I am not certain if this is the exact spot where I had the test completed, and when I first got it carried out and read, the test was negative. I just had some redness in the location, but that is not a sign for becoming positive. I plan on going to the MD tomorrow, but is this typical?
Best answer:
Answer by abakerchick
A positive TB test is an immune response to the material that was injected. It takes the body 48 hours to create the suitable response, which is usually a welt. If you didn't have a reaction within 48-72 hours, you are most likely TB negative. At times the injection itself can cause some bruising/redness which can cause a small lump in time. I would double check with your MD, as TB isn't something to mess around with, but my guess it that you're totally fine.
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PPD test is usually read after 48-72 hours. Redness, induration or itchiness may be seen and manifested after several hours. Go to your MD and have the bump seen because it seems to be impossible that such was cause by your TB test.
TB test should show redness and induration at least 5mm. if positive. This is read after 48 to 72 hours. Any sign after 72 hours is not significant.
Yes, some people even get a little bump in the area along with the redness. However, that outcome doesn't necessarily mean that it's a positive PPD.. physicians usually go by measurements of the bump to determine the pos/negativity of the skin test.
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